Visionary Circle - the MHS Planned Giving Program

visionary circle logoSince its founding in 1791, the MHS has benefited from a tradition of giving in Boston and beyond. There are a number of planned giving options that can help you realize your own philanthropic goals while ensuring the future financial stability of the Massachusetts Historical Society. The benefits of making a planned gift may range from a steady stream of life income to a charitable income tax deduction and lower capital gains, estate, and other taxes.


A bequest is a gift made through a will or trust and is an easy, practical way to make a meaningful financial contribution to the Society without affecting your current finances. A bequest may be made for a specific dollar amount or piece of property, for a percentage of your estate, or for part or all of what remains of the estate after other bequests are carried out. Learn more.

Charitable Gift Annuity

Establishing a gift annuity with the MHS is a way to receive income for life as well as potential tax benefits—such as a federal income tax charitable deduction, annuity payments which are partially tax-free, and future estate tax savings—while supporting the Society's mission. Learn more.

Other Planned Giving Assets and Vehicles

The MHS offers a wide range of planned giving options—charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, and gifts from retirement plans or life insurance policies—that can be tailored to your needs and interests.

For more information on how to make a planned gift to the MHS or to inform us of your existing plans that name the Society as a beneficiary, please contact the Director of Development, Victoria McKay 617-646-0570 or

Please note that the information above is not intended as legal advice, and you should consult with your attorney before making a planned gift.

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